奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团2020北京新年音乐会 Austrian Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra New Year Concert 2020 每年的新年音乐会都是乐迷们最期待的跨年盛宴, 今年的【维也纳萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团北京新年音乐会】与往年有些不同。 今年的演出团队是来自奥地利萨尔茨堡的爱乐乐团。 表演不仅延续了以往的欢快愉悦的曲目, 还带来了具有名族特色的热闹舞曲,仿佛置身舞会。 让我们步入殿堂,在悦耳的天籁之音中迎来新的一年。 莫扎特,(1756年1月27日 --- 1791年12月5日), 出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡(当今的奥地利,萨尔兹堡Salzburg), 欧洲最伟大的古典主义音乐作曲家之一。 莫扎特不到36年的短暂生命中超过一半的岁月是在萨尔茨堡度过的, 留下的重要作品总括当时所有的音乐类型。 莫扎特不仅是古典音乐的杰出大师,更是人类历史上极为罕见的音乐天才,有“音乐神童”的美誉。 他也是第一位公开脱离保护人的自由作曲家,使其人格备受后世音乐家敬仰。
而奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团正是来自于莫扎特的故乡——音乐之城萨尔茨堡, 乐团于1996年由小提琴家埃琳娜•杰尼索娃以及指挥家兼钢琴家阿列克谢•科尔尼扬科组织成立, 是一支备受赞誉的著名交响乐团。 在遵循传统及历史的情况下,奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团演奏过许多不同时期、不同作曲家的经典曲目。 乐团经常在萨尔茨堡和维也纳举办音乐会, 同时常年受邀在奥地利萨尔茨堡音乐节以及奥地利韦特尔湖畔古典音乐节献上精彩的演出。 他们还多次出席荷兰、芬兰、意大利、斯洛文尼亚、德国,及其他国家的各大著名音乐节。 乐团在意大利诺瓦拉的L’Associazione I Gaudenziani Amici della Basilica di San Gaudenzio上获得PREMIO ALLA CULTURA奖项。 他们几乎走遍了欧洲各国,和传统意义上的交响乐团不同。乐团不但能演奏古典、传统的音乐作品。 近年来随着许多新生代乐手成为乐团的主力,他们以对音乐的独到见解,完美演绎了许多激进的现代作品, 给音乐会带来多元化的视听感受,将沉闷在象牙塔里的古典音乐,以自己特有的活泼形式介绍给大众。乐团秉承的宗旨是“每一场音乐会都是一次重生”。
指挥阿列克谢•科尔尼扬科是一位杰出的奥地利指挥家及音乐家,毕业于莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院的钢琴系和指挥系,曾获得国际拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴大赛的大奖。 1990年后他成为了奥地利卡伦西亚州立音乐学院的教授。同时,他被萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团授聘为本演出季的艺术总监。 科尔尼扬科以他对贝多芬以及勃拉姆斯作品的演绎所著名,他的指挥结合了古典与浪漫的作品, 活跃于被人日渐遗忘的浪漫主义古典乐领域:他和罗伯特•富克斯、帕维尔•辛格和亚历山大•冯•策姆林斯基一起发行的唱片获得关注。 他曾与许多国际著名交响乐团合作过,伦敦皇家爱乐交响乐团、莫斯科爱乐交响乐团、乔治•埃内斯库爱乐交响乐团等, 并担任索菲亚爱乐交响乐团的客座指挥与国际多瑙河爱乐乐团的常任指挥。
埃琳娜•杰尼索娃曾被评为同时代最具魅力的小提琴家之一, 以其极高的音乐素养、个人演绎风格以及精湛的演奏技艺著称。她的演奏备受好评。 毕业于莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院。当她曾在前USSR担任独奏演员,曾与莫斯科国立爱乐乐团合作演出协奏曲。 她曾经是莫斯科四重奏的第一小提琴手。她于2002年创办了奥地利韦特尔湖畔古典音乐节,并担任艺术总监,获得了声誉。 埃琳娜•杰尼索娃已在世界各地举办了许多场音乐会,美国、加拿大、中国以及欧盟国家。 她也参加过许多著名音乐节。她也和许多世界著名的交响乐团合作过,如莫斯科爱乐乐团、伦敦皇家爱乐交响乐团、慕尼黑交响乐团、索菲亚爱乐交响乐团等。 2019年12月30日,约60人的奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团将来到北京人民大会堂举办新年音乐会,演出曲目亦是经典。
节目单: 1. 奥芬巴赫:奥芬序曲 2. 柴可夫斯基:花之圆舞曲 选自《胡桃夹子》 3. 斯特劳斯:闲聊波尔卡 4. 德沃夏克:斯拉夫舞曲 5. 中国曲目:茉莉花 6. 艾琳娜独奏:卡门幻想曲 7. 艾琳娜独奏:查尔达什舞曲 8. 星球大战主题曲:新的希望 9. 肖斯塔科维奇:第二圆舞曲 10. 斯特劳斯:狩猎波尔卡 11. 佛朗茨•莱哈: 阿德里亚圆舞曲 12. 雅各布•盖德:嫉妒探戈 13. 施特劳斯: 14. 约翰斯特劳斯:蓝色多瑙河 15. 中国曲目:春节序曲 16. 约翰斯特劳斯:拉德斯基进行曲 Austrian Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra New Year Concert 2020 Every year’s New Year Concert has been the most favorite concert for our classical fans every year. This year, Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra New Year’s Concert 2019 is different from the past years. We invited the beloved Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra from Austria for 2020. 2020 New Year’s Concert is more than a concert of classical music. It also includes the folk dance music. Let’s greet the new year with the marvelous music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), born in Salzburg what is now Austria, then part of the Holy Roman Empire, was a prolific and influential composer of the classical era. Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. He spent half of his life in Salzburg. He composed more than 600 works, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers, and his influence is profound on subsequent Western art music. He was a child prodigies and the master of classical music in his era. Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra is from the city of music, Salzburg. It was founded by concertmeister Elena Denisova and conductor Aleksej Kornienko in 1996. It received great popularity from the audience. Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra has been performing a number of classical music in different eras. The orchestra gives concerts in Salzburg and Vienna all the time. It has been invited for the Salzburg Festival and Lake Wörth Festival for many years. Since its foundation, the orchestra has been invited to multiple music festivals in Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Slovenia, Germany and many other countries all over the world. It has won PREMIO ALLA CULTURA award in L’Associazione I Gaudenziani Amici della Basilica di San Gaudenzio in Italy. Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra is not a traditional classical orchestra. Since the emerging of young talents, the orchestra is getting more and more attention for its unconventional programs, cross-over projects (such as “Mozart goes Jazz” or “Maria Bill singing Edith Piaf”) and for performing rarely played works such as Schmidt’s “The Book With Seven Seals” or Bernstein’s “Mass”. “Every concert is a nirvana.” is the theme of Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra. Alexei Kornienko is an outstanding musician whose work is characterised both by an unconditional and joyful attention to text and also a boldness in interpretation. This seeming contradiction, in fact, stands the Austrian conductor Kornienko in very good stead. His work as a pianist of the Russian school, with his extraordinarily wide Classical and Romantic repertoire, is combined profoundly with his work as a conductor, which he has steadily expanded in recent years. Born in Moscow, he began music lessons at the age of five, studied at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow (piano class Zak) and in Charkow (conducting class Jordania), and was prize-winner at the International Rachmaninov Piano Competition in Moscow. Since his move to Austria in 1990 he has made his name as a respected competition juror as well as a teacher at the Kärtner Landeskonservatorium (Carinthian State Conservatory). He is co-founder of the Gustav Mahler Ensemble and a member of the Bösendorfer Artistic Club. He has worked with countless internationally renowned orchestras, such as the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London, the Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, the George Ernescu Philharmonic Orchestra and as a permanent guest conductor of the Sofi a Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 2012 he is the chief conductor of the International Danube Philharmony. As an ambassador of tonal sensuality Elena Denisova ranks as one of the finest and most charismatic violinists of her generation. Known for her great musical maturity, individual style of interpretation and supreme virtuosity, her performances have won critical acclaim from press and public alike. Denisova was born in Moscow, graduated from the famous Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory with distinction. She has won many violin competitions and initially was active as a soloist and chamber musician in the former USSR – for example as soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic and first violinist of the Moscow National Quartet. In Austria she founded the Österreichische Gustav Mahler Vereinigung, the Gustav Mahler Ensemble and the Classic Etcetera Musikvereinigung. She is also the artistic director of the Carinthian-based Woerthersee Classics Festival, which she founded in 2002 and which has already gained a strong international reputation. Countless tours have taken Elena Denisova throughout the world, to the USA and Canada but also to exotic regions such as Egypt and Taiwan, and to western and central Europe and also in recent years increasingly to the new EU countries, such as Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. She has been accompanied by numerous orchestras, such as the Moscow Philharmonic, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London, the Münchener Symphonikern, the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra and many more. On December 30th, 2019, Austrian Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra, consisted of 60 ensemble members, will perform the New Year Concert at the Great Hall of the People, bringing the classic setlist. Program 1. Offenbach Orfeus in the underworld Overture 2. Waltz of the Flowers 3. Strauss – Tritsch Tratsch polka 4. Dvorak – Slavonic Dances op 46. nr. 1 & nr. 5 5. Chinese Piece Jasmin 6. Elena Denisova –Solo – (P.Sarasate: Carmen Fantasie Op.25) 7. Elena Denisova – Solo – Csardas – Encore 8. Star Wars – a new hope (main Theme) 9. Shostakovich - Second Waltz 10. Strauss – Auf der Jagd Op 373 Polka 11. Franz Lehar – Adria Walzer 12. Jacob Gade Tango Jalousie 13. Strauss - Sturmisch in Lieb |